'lil Lump & 'lil Tubs


Saturday, September 09, 2006

Singapore wants more doctors, patients from China

Oh dear... I started getting worried when I read this article. More doctors/ patients from China?!? This means first and foremost that I have to polish my mandrin immensely, learn dialects, and also study harder! There's going to be more competition from places like China and India when I next graduate. The MOH's schedule is now ready to include the top 2 unversites of both India and China. The list of universities they accept is growing, meaning more foriegn top class doctors will be competing with the rest to survive in the medical world. Looks like, the medical world in Singapore is set to change drastically over the next few years with the increased amounts of doctors coming in per year.

I welcome competition as well as expertise that will help singapore grow, however, this means the competition gradient will rise very steeply. Future doctors from India and China are not only smart, they're also hardworking and very willing to do what it takes to do their job well. In that aspect, people like me must always be vigilant and hungry to improve or we'll be left behind. Arghh!! Everything is changing so rapidly and things are becoming very different from what they used to be. I'm not saying that I'm adverse to change, just that I'm struggling to keep up. Looks like we'll all got to try even harder. Not just students who are in world recognised universities overseas who expect to have a job when they return but also, local students in Singapore.

Success is not an easy road,It's riddled with resistance;While failure on the other hand--The path of least persistence.

This is the web site that I read the CNN article.. take a look if u're interested.


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