Condoms and contraception galore
Today during our clinical skills lesson, weekly tuesday tutorial we were learning how to explain things to patients. Part of the task was to explain gastroenteritis, sore throats, as well AS CONDOMS AND CONTRACEPTION! haha=p we played with a stethescope too! haha=p basically listened to heart sounds, swishing when you breathe in at the throat region, percussion and resonance of th abdomen. It was all very interesting.
Well, back to the condom part. Well, its like we were divided into groups of 4 to 5=p And each group was given a sample pack of the different sorts of condoms. I didn't know there were so many different shapes, the east fit, straight fit, Xtra pleasure and form fit. The package showed the different shapes and functions=) hahaha! my gawd.. that was interesting!
Our tutor also told us how to explain the use of contraceptive pills to the patient. That was pretty useful, for the future and also well, practical. haha! I mean, at least now we're equipped with the necesary skills to tackle embrassing situations in a systematic manner such that their queries are answered and the patiend leaves with the knowledge of how to use these contraceptive methods properly.
Cant believe i even went to the cartoon network webpage to fling hamsters around. gawd. whats wrong with me. So restless...=)
There are so many things to do. Like exercise and loose the weight that i'm gaining. But I can't be bothered with that, in fact I just keep eating and eating.. and don;t exercise.. this is so not good.
Bleh, there's also the project that i've yet to start on and also the coming exams to study for and all that! Should give myself a kick in the ass and start something..
Maybe I should read a book or something, watch tv maybe? I dont know.. something... I have to do something instead of wasting my life away.. haha=p Inertia is the greatest when you first try and get started. But i'll try overcoming that and getting on my way=p YAY! That sounds like a plan..
SAME model, the precursor for elliciting change. Set SPECIFIC goals, that are ATTAINABLE, MEASUREABLE and are ENJOYABLE to do. That sounds like a good motivation! Excellent.. Wish me luck!!!
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