'lil Lump & 'lil Tubs


Tuesday, May 16, 2006

On WoW and PDCP

Not posted a personal message on this blog since I set it up weeks ago! Well guess I've been busy playing WoW hehe... Much to steelsmilez chagrin I guess. >.<

Up till today, I'd have written PDCP off as some bored administrator's idea of 'enlightening students', whereas all it did was waste our precious holiday time. In reality, I got a hard jolt and a push in a decidedly better direction in terms of personality thanks to of the tutorial exercises. My heartfelt thanks to Joe Luft and Harry Ingham; developers of the Johari Window. This is an analytical model which displays one's tendencies very accurately (in my opinion).

Well, much as I didn't like the results, they were smack-on. Not releasing the results, they're private duh... But henceforth I'm changing my nick from MotorMouth to TheListener. Spend too much time talking sigh...

Anyway, off my work and onto my most dominant use of time the past 2 months: World of Warcraft. Superbly addictive game! I attribute it to the extensive emphasis on player-to-player interaction that makes WoW such an enthralling game to me. Made quite a few new friends, and glad for it. Some screenshots of my favourite dragon (even though she still hasn't given me my Netherwind Crown...) haha:

Onyxia and I (looks cute my turban, no?)

With my oldest friend, we stand beneath her strung-up head

Guess I'll miss the 40-man raids, the fun banter over Ventrilo, and ironically, the one-time KTV session I attended with the guild (ask steelsmilez, my voice lays all flat; everyone's rolling on the floor with their hands to their ears). But what's even sweeter than a com game? My trip to see steelsmilez haha! 3 more days and counting...

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Injections Part 2

Well here's the commentary Motor mouth said would be in the subsequent post=p haha=) These pictures were taken during my crash course injections lesson last friday. Surprisingly, even though it was our first time learning how to give an injection, the teacher asked me if I had any experience in administering one! I was shocked! Did she mean that some people had given injections even before they entered first year of med school?? Even before they had their first proper injections lesson?!?! I was like huh?!?!? How can any doctor take the risk of a student, injecting a patient wrongly? Isn't that a very dangerous risk to take? Who in their right mind would let someone who's bordering on their post teenage and pre adult years do such a thing?!?!? Risking a litigation court case! Well... I don't know of such people but my teacher has most certainly heard of them.. sheesh.

Anyway, picture no 1 is one of my desk, they way things were laid out. On the left u're got fake skin, scotch tape, then this white tray with cotton swabs in it and sharps. On the rightmost side is a strap on fake skin. This one is more spongy, as u'll see in picture no 4. Didn't manage to take a picture of th sharps bin, though I think I should have cause it was too far away and I was lazy..haha=p Oh well, thought I'd take my camera out and doodle about with it since I was the earliest one there..

Second pic shows a subcutaneous injection being given. The correct angle should range between 35 to 45 degress just like whats shown. haha=p The lovely hand model is my beautiful classmate, who I shall not name, who very kindly also taught me how to edit down the size of a large picture file=p Which was superbly useful for transfering these pictures! Anyway, we all had to wear gloves and look all doctorish.. and because of safety purposes too! Have to be careful! They have different sorts of gloves, latex kind, the one shown in this picture and the non latex kind for those with allergies which are blue in colour and shown in the last picture. The fluid inside the needle is water. We're not using anyting else cause its not only dangerous but also costly. haha=p water's good enough.

The third picture shows the different types of gauges the needles are of. The higher the gauge the sharper or smaller th needle tip is. The orange one shown there is supposed to be the of the smallest size while the one at the leftmost end, the one thats pink is known as the drawing out needle. You use that to draw liquid out of the vial so that you dont damage the tip of the actual needle i.e. make it more blunt. So, thats why you need 2 different needles, one for drawing out and one for injecting. The drawing out needle doesnt have a sharp end, It's tip is flat so you basically, you can't hurt anyone with it. There are also 3ml syringes, alcohol swabs and cotton balls in the picture.

The last picture is one of me pinching the fake skin wearing non-latex gloves. No I don't have an allergy, just wanted to find out what wearing non-latex gloves would be like. And they are different mind you. The latex ones hug your skin better thought they leave behind a smell. The non-latex ones are looser and now that i've tried those, I think i like the latex ones more. Well, the pinching action not only shows how soft this particular sample of fake skin is but also represents the motion u're supposed to make on the patient's skin just before you administer a subcutaneous injection. The pinching action also helps you distract the " gateway of pain", when the needle just enters the skin.

Well, thats about it, just a short description of the pics below. Not the step by step methods of how to administer an injection. This I fear could be used in the wrong way by some baddies. haha=p So yeah, anyway, i'm no expert on injections but hope you enjoyed the brief commentary!! ^_^ Adios!!

Friday, May 05, 2006

Injection Part 1

I'm posting these pics, even though they were taken a continent away, because some dear girl couldn't get them to upload onto blogger lol... Read the subsequent post by her for the commentary! Enjoy. =)

Thursday, May 04, 2006

A Foriegn Land

Was Just being a typical woman and thinking too much about things in the shower. I realised that the world is a very political place and that even people whose company you are in every single day are those you must be wary of. Not that anyone has done anything to me. Just realised that it's important not to place your trust in the wrong people, except those dear to you that have earned it such as family and a select group of very special close friends. Along the course of life, you will realise how good a friend truely is when you are in need. For example, if you end up in prison, a good friend will be trying to bail you out, your best friend will be sitting in the cell next to you saying, "Boy, That was fun!" These are the moments when the world becomes amazingly clear sometimes, of course not to the extreme that you actually do end up in prison.

Being alone in a foreign land has made me notice a great deal of things I took for granted back home. Being independent, living alone and having to figure out a lot of things on your own accelerates the maturation process. You'll be surprised how fast you learn things when you're thrown into a foriegn environment and are forced to survive. Not that its an immense struggle to do so..But, lets face it, you're not as comfortable as you would like to be. You can't be overly reliant on those around you. Although you can exchange pleasantries with them and ask them for help sometimes, there are upspoken events that happen and reveal to you, the true depth of your friendship with them. Sometimes, the result is not pleasant for you had thought your friendship to be more meaningful than it actually was. Well, shakespeare has got a quote of relevance, he so famously says in his work, All's Well That Ends Well, "Love all, trust a few. Do wrong to no one". Simply put, be nice to everyone, including your enemies or those you distrust. Trust only those that have earned your trust, these people are far and few, and your certainty in them will grow steadily with time.

The bottomline is be very careful of people. Even those that seem nice to you. Do not let your trust in them blind you from other things. Maybe it's me that's become more cynical. I don't know. What I do know is that one needs to be able to take care of themselves by this I mean, watch out for their own back, cause you don't have your parents looking out for you anymore, they're miles away back home. Neither do you have the luxury of having a special someone looking out for you like they always do=p

Thousands of miles help you grow up and enter the real world and break away from the sugar coated care-free one that we spent our entire childhood and teenage years in. It prepares you for the dangers of reality=) Learn but don't become too hardened by the experience. Remain gentle and of gracious spirit, but be aware of the dangers that lurk in the shadows.

Well I was in a contemplative mood. haha=P Taking a bath is the reflective period of my day. It makes me think about serious things sometimes. On a cheerier note, I'm much happier after getting that big huge bulk of saturated thoughts out of my head..now it has more room to study! To freedom! Independence! and lots of happier times ahead!! To new experiences! A new beginning! And experiencing the life on the brink of adulthood! There are so many good things to look forward to in life! As well as spending time with the people you love on holiday=p haha! So yeah, as long as we learn how to take care of ourselves, there are many many beautiful and wonderous things the world has to offer! haha=p Thats a much more colourful thought! haha! CARPE DIEM! Live life to its fullest and Seize The Day!!!

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Speak softly love

I love singing this song! Its the most romantic song i've ever sung.. well, with very meaningful lyrics that is=p haha! So anyone who has the godfather's theme song---> Speak Softly Love please send it to me!!! I so want to listen to it! Motor mouth, If you are in possession of this song please send it to me!!! hahah=p This is a demand!

Anyway, before you view the lyrics of this wonderful song, I wanted to say that the chocolate wafers I bought from bi-lo on offer for 69 cents are fabulous to eat!! haha! Never did I know the existence of such cheap yet tast wafers! haha=p I'm impressed I am! Yahoo!!! This is excellent stuff.. Was feeling hungry so I ate 4 of them..

Darn, pissed that I got 2 mcqs wrong when I did my online weekly tutorial. They changed the question on the net.. darn. Haiz, tricky tricky... anyway, must work harder!!! 35 more days to exam!!! OH NO!!!! *panic* arghh! My gosh, OSCE, EXAM back to back! Then a week later I've to hand up my project!!! NOOOOO this is not happening!! arghh!! Some faggot is boasting about how he's 1100 words down for our 2500 word assignment. Shamless toot. Haiz, and I havent even started reading my materials yet!!! Oh no! What am I to do??? I'm going to read it straight away! Yes! TONIGHT IS THE NIGHT! Procrastination stops here. Time reach the preperation stage of the prochaska diclemente model for change. After that... I take action.

The godfather's theme song... Speak softly love

Speak softly love and hold me warm against your heart
I feel your words, the tender trembling moments start
We're in a world, our very own
Sharing a love that only few have ever known

Wine coloured days, warmed by the sun
Deep velvet nights, when we are one

Speak softly love so no one hears us but the sky
The vows of love we make will live until we die
My life is yours and all because
You came into my life with love so softly love

Wine coloured days warmed by the sun
Deep velvet days when we are one

Speak softly, love so no one hears us but the sky
The vows of love we make will live until we die
My life is yours and all be-ca-u-se
You came into my life with love so softly love...

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Condoms and contraception galore

Today during our clinical skills lesson, weekly tuesday tutorial we were learning how to explain things to patients. Part of the task was to explain gastroenteritis, sore throats, as well AS CONDOMS AND CONTRACEPTION! haha=p we played with a stethescope too! haha=p basically listened to heart sounds, swishing when you breathe in at the throat region, percussion and resonance of th abdomen. It was all very interesting.

Well, back to the condom part. Well, its like we were divided into groups of 4 to 5=p And each group was given a sample pack of the different sorts of condoms. I didn't know there were so many different shapes, the east fit, straight fit, Xtra pleasure and form fit. The package showed the different shapes and functions=) hahaha! my gawd.. that was interesting!

Our tutor also told us how to explain the use of contraceptive pills to the patient. That was pretty useful, for the future and also well, practical. haha! I mean, at least now we're equipped with the necesary skills to tackle embrassing situations in a systematic manner such that their queries are answered and the patiend leaves with the knowledge of how to use these contraceptive methods properly.


Cant believe i even went to the cartoon network webpage to fling hamsters around. gawd. whats wrong with me. So restless...=)

There are so many things to do. Like exercise and loose the weight that i'm gaining. But I can't be bothered with that, in fact I just keep eating and eating.. and don;t exercise.. this is so not good.

Bleh, there's also the project that i've yet to start on and also the coming exams to study for and all that! Should give myself a kick in the ass and start something..

Maybe I should read a book or something, watch tv maybe? I dont know.. something... I have to do something instead of wasting my life away.. haha=p Inertia is the greatest when you first try and get started. But i'll try overcoming that and getting on my way=p YAY! That sounds like a plan..

SAME model, the precursor for elliciting change. Set SPECIFIC goals, that are ATTAINABLE, MEASUREABLE and are ENJOYABLE to do. That sounds like a good motivation! Excellent.. Wish me luck!!!

Monday, May 01, 2006

Who will buy this wonderful feeling...

Who will buy this wonderful morning! I'm so high I swear I could fly!
Who will tie it up with a ribbon and put it in a box for me
So I could see it at my leisure, whenever things go wrong. And I would keep it as a treasure, to last my whole life long.
Who will buy this wonderful morning, such a sky you never did see! Who will tie it up with a ribbon and put it in a box for me?
There'll never be a day so sunny, it could never happen twice, where is the man with all the money? It's cheap at half the price!
Who will buy this wonderful feeling? I'm so high I swear I could fly. Me oh my, I don't want to lose it. So what am i to do, to keep the sky so blue?
There must be someone who will buy
Who will buy my sweet red roses? Two blooms for a penny!

-exerpts from the Oliver twist's Who will buy song!

It conveys my elation of sharing this blog=P

For You

This blog's for you dear. =)